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CFFO Business Ecosystem Round Tables

As digital technologies disaggregate existing industries and value chains, companies are faced with transformation challenges and growth opportunities that require them to ‘jump’ across conventional boundaries which used to define their ‘space’. They are forced to form novel alliances and partnerships to complete a value proposition, design a compelling business model, or gain access to a new market. Engaging in this new universe of Business Ecosystems is difficult and can be daunting for organizations.

Over the last 4 years, we have dedicated a significant part of our research to understanding what it takes to succeed in business ecosystems.

Our work culminated in a capability framework that helps structure the arena and allows companies to get a better grip on the subject.

Its nine dimensions provide a compass to navigate the still largely unknown waters of collaborative value creation in ecosystems.

The framework is available for download here.

We are now keen to build a stronger bridge to practice while deepening our insights on the topic. For this purpose, we invite interested companies to join our ongoing cross-industry round tables that are dedicated to addressing key challenges of business ecosystem engagement.

Driven by the interest of the participants, we may tackle questions like

  • What capabilities are needed to leverage the innovation and growth potential of business ecosystems? How to assess them? How to develop them?
  • How to design an organization that is ready for successful ecosystem participation?
  • How to build, manage, and leverage the relationship network that constitutes the relevant ecosystem (partners, alliances, customers, suppliers, co-opetition, innovation hubs, start-ups, universities, research labs, regulators, etc.)?
  • How to create internal governance that enables effective ecosystem participation?
    What kind of leadership culture is required?
  • Which ecosystem governance models ensure overall system performance?
  • How to make the best use of ecosystem-enabling digital technology? What underlying social infrastructure is required to fully leverage its potential?

The Round Tables offer the opportunity to work on these challenges through thought leader input, collaborative research initiatives, and facilitated cross-company dialogues.

The Round Tables are meant for senior executives (VP, SVP, C-level) from mid-sized and large companies or business units. They may come from various functions (general management, strategy, business development, innovation, procurement, IT, HR, etc.)

Ideal candidates

  • bring a strategic perspective to the table
  • are keen to strengthen the ecosystem leadership capabilities of their organization
  • have the seniority to drive needed change and transformation
  • are willing to engage in an open and trusted exchange with fellow executives

At this point we do not invite consultants and solution providers.

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us to discuss your specific context and explore if this initiative is a fit for you.

Roland Deiser

Chairman, CFFO

Andrej Drinovsky

Director, Consortium Initiatives