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Insights From the ECLF Silicon Valley Learning Expedition

In fall 2011,  a group of 20 senior L&D executives from major global players such as GE, Cisco, ArcelorMittal, Fiat, Siemens, Deutsche Telekom, Santander, and others  joined an ECLF Learning Expedition to the Silicon Valley which was curated and led by Roland Deiser.  The paper features a summary of insights from conversations with various experts, innovators, start-ups, and L&D colleagues from the region.  It represents a synthesis of  thoughts and feedbacks that were generated by the group, structured into 20 key insights along four domains:

  • Insights about Innovation
  • Insights into the Development of Organizational Culture
  • Insights into L&D, Recruiting, Talent Management, and Leadership Development
  • Insights into the Future of Work and Organizations