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Rebalancing Society – a Conversation With Henry Mintzberg

“Whether it’s climate change, or populism, or the decline of democracy, or income disparities – whatever it is, they’re all moving in the wrong direction. I’m stunned at how stupid we are, that we don’t recognize this and stand up to it. That’s why I wrote Rebalancing Society.” — Henry Mintzberg in his conversation with Roland Deiser

Henry Mintzberg sat down with CFFO Chairman Roland Deiser to share his view about the dysfunctionalities of today’s society, and what to do about it. A sharp analysis and a passionate call to action by one of the most iconic management scholars of our times. Visit www.rebalancingsociety.org to learn more about his efforts.

An edited version of the interview appears in issue #42 of Developing Leaders Quarterly (DLQ) which focuses on Driving Sustainability.

A transcript of the session is available in the publication section of this website.


Recorded September 20, 2023 | Length: 33:27